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Combina Labelling Machines

Prime Systems

Labelling technology for highest requirements and demands


Labelling systems for
highest demands

Combina Prime Systems are especialy
designed to meet highest labelling
demands and accounts to a great
extend for the increasing requirements
of the market with regard to performance,
quality, precision and security.


The features:

    • designed in a modular conception.
    • use of high-value rust resistant
      materials with plain surfaces
      easy to clean.
    • adaptations to individual customer
    • up-to-date drive technology with
      synchronised drives.
    • inteligent control for integration
      into production and packaging
    • precise high-performance labelling.
    • substantial verification possibilities
      for optimum process reliability.
    • non-stop operation is possible.
    • challenging product handling
      is possible.
    • pharmaceutical standard is possible


Complete turnkeys packaging solutions are available on request.

Please contact us on info@labellingapplicators.com to discuss your application.

Labelling technology from Kugler - Womako, Combina label applicators, special labelling machines, thermal transfer printers

Combina Prime Labelling System 359



Labelling technology from Kugler - Womako, Combina label applicators, special labelling machines, thermal transfer printers

Combina Prime Labelling System 480


Labelling technology from Kugler - Womako, Combina label applicators, special labelling machines, thermal transfer printers

Product alignment unit


Labelling technology from Kugler - Womako, Combina label applicators, special labelling machines, thermal transfer printers

Universal product alinment unit

Labelling technology from Kugler - Womako, Combina label applicators, special labelling machines, thermal transfer printers

Combina Prime Labelling System 440

Labelling technology from Kugler - Womako, Combina label applicators, special labelling machines, thermal transfer printers

Rotary star for wraparound labelling

Labelling technology from Kugler - Womako, Combina label applicators, special labelling machines, thermal transfer printers

Wraparound labelling with booklet label

Labelling technology from Kugler - Womako, Combina label applicators, special labelling machines, thermal transfer printers

Compa series medium class thermal transfer printer

Labelling technology from Kugler - Womako, Combina label applicators, special labelling machines, thermal transfer printers

Wraparound labelling (horizontal position)

Labelling technology from Kugler - Womako, Combina label applicators, special labelling machines, thermal transfer printers

Product gapping scroll


Labelling technology from Kugler - Womako, Combina label applicators, special labelling machines, thermal transfer printers

Ejection unit for faulty products

Contact us
Tel:- +61 04209 27407
Fax:- +61 (0)7 3036 5729
e-mail:- info@LabellingApplicators.com

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