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Kugler Womako
Label Applicators
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Metal Detectors
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Multihead Combination Weighers
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Fruits Processing Packaging
Vegetables Processing Packaging
Tomato Processing Packaging
Data Communication Converters



Combina Labelling Machines

Flex Systems

The cost-effective standard solution:
Label application and conveying


Combina Flex Systems

are the cost-effective solution for all
standard labelling purposes.

The features:

    • all-purpose systems .
    • compact design
    • easy to clean.
    • designed in modular conception.
    • flexible changeover and retrofit .
    • intelligent control for integration
      into production and packaging
    • value for money.
    • short delivery times .
    • variable conveying and label
      dispensing speeds .
    • can be equipped with all types of
      Combina label applicators .
    • almost maintenance free drives.
    • intersectoral use.
    • simple handling.

    Labelling technology from Kugler - Womako, Combina label applicators, special labelling machines, thermal transfer printers

Combina Flex System 850 Labelling Machine

Labelling technology from Kugler - Womako, Combina label applicators, special labelling machines, thermal transfer printers

Front and back labelling

Complete turnkeys packaging solutions are available on request.

Please contact us on info@labellingapplicators.com to discuss your application.

Labelling technology from Kugler - Womako, Combina label applicators, special labelling machines, thermal transfer printers

Combina Flex System 850 Labelling Machine for simultaneous front and back labelling

Labelling technology from Kugler - Womako, Combina label applicators, special labelling machines, thermal transfer printers

Simultaneous front and back labelling

Labelling technology from Kugler - Womako, Combina label applicators, special labelling machines, thermal transfer printers

Combina Flex System 850 Labelling Machine for simultaneous top and bottom labelling

Labelling technology from Kugler - Womako, Combina label applicators, special labelling machines, thermal transfer printers

Simultaneous top and bottom labelling

Contact us
Tel:- +61 04209 27407
Fax:- +61 (0)7 3036 5729
e-mail:- info@LabellingApplicators.com

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